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£1m to £10m

Selective invoice finance

Bridge the gap created by long payment terms

Advance your invoices on a pay-as-you-go basis

More than a third of SMEs wait between 30 and 90 days to get paid, placing severe strain on cash flow and limiting opportunities for growth.

Invoice finance enables you to unlock £1m – £10m of cash tied up in these unpaid invoices by advancing you up to 90% of the invoice value, on a pay-as-you-go basis. We fund invoices as small as £10k, based on minimum facility usage of £1m over six months.

You select the invoices you want to finance and when, with the flexibility to advance cash on an invoice-by-invoice basis, in GBP, EUR and USD.

A great fit if you require:


Advance funds for as many or as few invoice as you like, on a pay-as-you-go basis


Credit insurance included for funded debts


Funds available in multiple currencies, for multiple jurisdictions, with the option to fund overseas businesses as standalone

DRTY Drinks

Matija Pisk


DRTY Drinks

“We have been really impressed with the speed and professionalism of the team at Growth Lending and are excited to work with them further as they support DRTY’s plans for growth.”

DASH Water

Alex Wright

CEO & Co-Founder

DASH Water

“Growth Lending are fantastic at understanding the pinch points in very fast growing businesses and being able to creatively look at solutions that more traditional lenders wouldn’t have the understanding or capability to do so.”

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How does selective invoice finance work?

Your business has £500,000 tied up in payments owed from debtors in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, disrupting your cash flow and putting strain on the relationship with your own suppliers, who also appreciate prompt payment.

After uploading your invoices to our simple-to-use platform, we are able to advance up to 90% of the total value of these invoices, which include a £100,000 invoice from a UK debtor and two €200,000 invoices from debtors in the Netherlands.

If you have an existing lender, we can usually work alongside them to support your invoice finance needs.

Interested? Submit an enquiry form below, or reach out to a member of our expert lending team.

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Ready to get growth going with £1m to £10m of working capital?

Let’s see how we can support you.


Access more cash, at an earlier stage than what is offered by non-specialist lenders


Facilities that are never off-the-shelf – we tailor our facilities to your individual needs


Flexible use of funds, including international growth strategies

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Invoice finance is when a lender utilises an unpaid invoice as security for funding, giving you immediate access to a percentage of the invoice’s value.

Many lenders will provide funding against your whole sales ledger, but this is usually referred to as flexible invoice discounting instead.

Invoice finance releases capital tied up in invoices, enhancing your cash flow and enabling you to pay staff and suppliers and reinvest in operations and growth earlier.

What is invoice finance?
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Selective invoice finance gives you the flexibility to fund individual invoices. Simply select the invoices you want to fund and decide when the funds are released, putting you in control of your cash flow for a low service fee.

What is selective invoice finance?
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Selective invoice finance is sometimes referred to as spot factoring, spot invoice finance or single invoice factoring, in reference to the flexibility of the facility.

In certain markets, these terms are associated with slightly different products, where spot factoring or single invoice factoring refer to the funding of specific individual invoices.

Our selective invoice finance product gives you the flexibility to fund whatever proportion of invoices you choose, freeing up working capital and retaining control of your cash flow.

What are other names for selective invoice finance?
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After you have completed our straightforward online onboarding process, we aim to respond with an indicative offer within 24 hours.

One of our lending experts will work with you to understand your cash flow requirements and get you onboarded in no time.

How does selective invoice finance work?
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With selective invoice finance, Growth Lending does not impose a minimum contract period or minimum income criteria and we do not restrict funding based on concentration, making our product more accessible than many similar options on the market.

The flexibility of selective invoice finance also means that you can often access a greater advance rate than is offered by alternative lending products, as you select the individual invoices or debtors to be financed.

It also gives you more control over your cash flow, as you can leverage individual invoices, or groups of invoices, depending on your working capital requirements.

What are the advantages of selective invoice finance?
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Traditionally, invoice factoring requires a business to sell its whole sales ledger to a third-party factoring company. This firm takes on the debt in its entirety, freeing up working capital for the business. With factoring, the lender usually becomes responsible for chasing debtors and recovering payments.

Invoice finance on the other hand, does not require the sale of a whole ledger, with payments advanced by the lender on an invoice-by-invoice basis. Working this way also means that you retain responsibility for debtor payments, keeping closer control of your cash flow.

What is the difference between selective invoice finance and invoice factoring?
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You must be a company registered in the UK, US, Singapore or a Benelux country, with B2B debtors on payment terms of up to 120 days.

Your debtors must be registered in an OECD country, with some exceptions (Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Serbia, Slovakia and Turkey).

How do I know if my business is eligible for selective invoice finance?
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With selective invoice finance, you retain complete control of your cash flow and are therefore responsible for recovering outstanding payments.

If my business receives funding from Growth Lending, who is responsible for chasing the invoice payment?
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We can fund alongside other lenders, funding the overseas invoices while they retain the UK invoice finance. However, your existing lender may have to consent to the facility.

We can also offer standalone facilities overseas, with no requirement to fund a linked UK entity, so can work flexibly to meet your needs.

What if I am already using an invoice finance provider for my UK invoices?
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Growth Lending is in the US too! Use the button in the top right corner of our website to visit our US page, or use this link to contact a member of our US lending team.

What if my business is based in the US?
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Any invoice we fund must be fully unencumbered. We regularly take security but are happy to rank behind other charge-holders or lenders, as long as we have priority over the receivables we are funding.

Do you require security?
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