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Enhance your working capital

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You are…

A growing business with a strong customer pipeline.
But the more customers you win, the more cash gets tied up in your debtor book – and you need that cash to fuel growth.

You need…

A tailored approach to working capital, enabling you to unlock the cash tied up in your debtor book.
You need the freedom to use funds how you see fit and to work with a lender that truly understands the unique challenges faced by fast-growing businesses.



Working capital from Growth Lending

Sound familiar? Let’s see how we can help

Get growth going

Get paid sooner with pay-as-you-go invoice finance or the option to leverage a borrowing base from your whole debtor book.

Our products

We support businesses with working capital from £1m to £10m, working flexibly to suit your company’s needs.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Our lending experts will be happy to help.

Flexible invoice discounting

Enhance your working capital by leveraging your entire sales ledger, or a chosen pool of debtors

  • Flexible: Select a pool of debtors or submit your whole ledger, drawing down as much as you need from the total sum

  • Simple: Manage your facility via an online portal that removes the need for lengthy month-end reconciliation processes

  • Freedom: No concentration or export limits, with funds available in multiple currencies, for multiple jurisdictions, all in one facility

Selective invoice finance

Bridge the cash flow gap caused by long payment terms as you advance your unpaid invoices on a pay-as-you-go basis

  • Flexible: Advance funds for as many or as few invoice as you like, on a pay-as-you-go basis

  • Secure: Credit insurance included for funded debts

  • Freedom: Funds available in multiple currencies, for multiple jurisdictions, with the option to fund overseas businesses as standalone

Enquire now

Ready to get growth going with £1m to £10m of working capital?

Let’s see how we can support you.


Access more cash, at an earlier stage than what is offered by non-specialist lenders


Facilities that are never off-the-shelf – we tailor our facilities to your individual needs


Flexible use of funds, including international growth strategies

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How much would you like to borrow?

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Working capital is the cash your business needs to enable it to run properly – for costs such as wages, bills, rent, utilities and more.

As a metric, working capital represents the liquidity available to a business to cover short or mid-term costs, so enhancing your working capital profile gives your business more cash headroom.

This is particularly useful in the current unpredictable climate, but even in a more stable macroeconomic environment, a strong working capital profile means a business can respond with speed and agility to new opportunities in the market.

What is working capital?
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Working capital is important because it affects so many aspects of your business. Paying employees and vendors, planning for sustainable long-term growth and even just keeping the lights on in the office are costs that are covered by your working capital. It is crucial that you have enough working capital, as it is the money available to meet your current short-term obligations.

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As a calculation, working capital is the difference between a business’ current assets and current liabilities. At a fundamental level, you could enhance your working capital by improving the ratio between the two.

For ambitious businesses, however, this will often mean reining in growth plans, so accessing external funds that will support your working capital can be an attractive alternative.

Invoice finance, invoice discounting and asset based lending are all types of funding that are designed to enhance a business’ working capital and smooth cash flow, but some facility types will be a better fit for your business than others.

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